It would be great if those of you who are users of all the video  
sharing sites could tell them about VloMo.

I'm thinking of Viddler, Dailymotion, Revver, Blip, YouTube, etc.    
Most of them have official blogs and contact forms.

Other users, too - Clintus just set up a group at Vimeo which users  
and staffers have joined.

I just saw a tweet from Ryanne saying she was writing an article  
about VloMo for, which is brilliant.

Can you think of anything similar - blog comments you could leave,  
quick emails you could send to newsletters or anyone who might be  

It would be a lot better and more effective if promotion comes from  
different participants.

And those of you who are involved with things like Semanal or video  
user groups elsewhere, tell them about it.

It's a great opportunity to see a lot more work by all sorts of  
different people.


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