well, there was nothing on after top chef last night (which i watched on
dvr, so
i didnt watch any of the commercials) so i watched 11 4-minute episodes
http://captainblasto.com --
i am constantly running out of time to watch the cute, new shows online --
there are so many! not all of them are perfect or good, but i watch them to
see whats up

the MSM reminds me marie antoinette -- the whole, let them eat cake thing.

it would be NICE if they got it, but if they dont get it, then we are going
to keep
doing our thing independent of them.

there's room for all of us.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Cheryl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I agree with your two reasons, Ru. Essentially all the time wasted
> trying to close things off from indie creators is also the big guys
> getting in their own way.
> It so bugs me that the BBC can do a wonderful project like "Capture
> Wales,"
> (
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/audiovideo/sites/galleries/pages/capturewales.shtml
> )
> - where they went out an helped ordinary people to produce absolutely
> incredible (beautiful, fascinating, personal, wonderful) digital
> stories in one 8 hour work session, and then completely ignore the
> wider potential of that project. Not to mention they completely
> stuffed up how they present the project online - only Windows Media or
> Real Player formats, no feeds, no real podcast-able format offered.
> True, back in 2001, we didn't really have podcasting, but the project
> ran into Feb. 2008, with no effort I could discern by the BBC to take
> advantage of the emerging distribution models that would have been so
> perfect for this project, not to mention of enormous benefit to the
> public to have their own archive preserved in such an accessible way.
> I was lucky to meet one of the producers of Capture Wales at a Digital
> Storytelling conference in Sedona, AZ, where they provided me with a
> few QuickTime copies of some of the stories and permission to use them
> as in-class examples for my students, and also permission to reproduce
> the "shoebox story" process they came up with when the BBC cut their
> workshop time down from one week to one day.
> Ok, I've rambled off the original topic with my example. But damn. The
> Capture Wales UGC is so much better than the UGC these big guys react
> against and dismiss. They know this gold is out there and they don't
> care/produce drivel instead.
> That's why we need to be able to self-publish & find our own way plus
> our own audience. I don't want to see that taken away.
> Cheryl
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com <videoblogging%40yahoogroups.com>,
> Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I feel it's important for two reasons - wasted opportunities and
> > wasted time:
> >
> > 1) it's just a terrible wasted opportunity for a company like the BBC
> > to not Get It. they could do so much good. even for a big US
> > network - they have the resources to create fantastic content,
> > networks and opportunities if they Got It.
> >
> > 2) all the time they're banging on down the other path, they're
> > driving the creation of closed interfaces and hardware - solutions
> > which will impede the progress of independents in reaching a wider
> > audience. eventually this will break down, but it might take many
> > years - all wasted time.
> >
> > Rupert
> > http://twittervlog.tv
> >
> > On 13-Nov-08, at 11:28 AM, @sull wrote:
> >
> > Why do they NEED TO GET IT?
> > Why do "we" feel like we NEED THEM TO GET IT?
> >
> > Co-Existing not feasible?
> >
> > Is this about getting picked up by the old suits or is this about
> > Independents being able to leverage technology to publish their works
> > and
> > fins a market?
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >


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