   I think the (1) micro-thumbnail poster approach is more viable than
the (2) interval video approach, because I can still scrub through my
captured video anyway. A lot of web video service can generate
thumbnails, but does anyone know of a desktop app that can do that?
Perhaps an Applescript / Quicktime SMIL guru here?

Such an app could be useful for those of us who videoblog as well ;)

Kevin Lim
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On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Adrian Miles <> wrote:
> what you need is something that pulls a frame out of video at
> nominated interval, sets its duration, and edits them together to get
> a poster movie (a sort of micro poster movie). So you could, for
> example:
> tell the app to grab a frame at every 5 minutes, for that frame to
> have a duration of a second, and to paste it to the poster movie. (I
> had a project that did this using applescript that worked reasonably
> well at the time). You could of course grab a frame very minute, for
> half a second and so on. This would build a small movie that just had
> stills (though there's no reason you could not tell it to grab a
> second of video every 5 minutes, which in many ways would be more
> elegant) and when you played it you'd get a sense of the material.
> part two would be to make sure that each clip you take (the fragments)
> has enough data that when clicked on it would take you to that point
> in the actual clip.
> On 05/01/2009, at 2:13 PM, Kevin Lim wrote:
>> I've recently shared a 17min demo of how / why I do record my life as
>> completely as possible [3], and as you can guess, cataloguing and
>> searching through lengthy videos is still something I'm researching.
>> Right now I've tried tagging keyframes using services like Viddler,
>> but I might resort to using a thumbnail generator with hourly
>> intervals so I can quickly browse through them (as inspired in this
>> email thread).
> cheers
> Adrian Miles
> bachelor communication honours coordinator

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