How hard is it to understand the concept of communicating with
customers and clients? Part of the reason businesses are tanking is
that whether brick and mortar or online merchants fail to inform about
planned outages or changes in services. 

This is astounding that so many companies just don't get this simple
fact. Businesses have relationships with people they call customers
and clients. Communication is part of that relationship. Exchanging
pay for services is another part. 

If you stop communicating with me and make it harder for me to know
what is going on I will walk away. If you don't deliver the service
you said you would I will take my money and find another place that
will or do without. 

If I walk away with bad feelings I'm gonna tell someone and they tell
two friends and so on...

I shouldn't need access to the big boss to find out this kind of
stuff. Headbanging stupid.


--- In, "Kim Waldauer" <k...@...> wrote:
> Does anyone know if Revver is completely out of business?  I haven't
been able to get onto 
> their site for 2 days and no one over there is responding to emails.
Kinda regretting I use 
> them for my rss feed & streaming videos on website. I mean "used". I
know there have been 
> rumors floating around about them....but was wondering if anyone on
this forum knew 
> anything.
> -Kim

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