1. What player/aggregator do you use?None. I sorta use google reader but
only to alert me to new posts. I go direct to the site and play from there.
I've tried the other way - for vlogs, tv, anything via miro, boxxee etc, but
I never feel like I'm *at* the actual thing.

2. Do you watch on your computer, or connect to the TV?
Computer (macbook pro), either directly or in my studio hooked up to an
Apple Cinema Display via an MXO box (lets the ACD to emulate a broadcast
monitor). If I had my own projector, for more cinematic work I would use it.

3. What else do you do to enhance your screening environment?
For anything more than a few minutes long I try to really block out the time
and the environment, so I can sit quietly in the dark with no distractions
or interruptions and really concentrate.

Ideally, I'd like a nice viewing setup outside of my little dungeony studio
at home - a projector or a nice screen, maybe appletv, a nice sound system,
but its so much money. Any money for stuff like that I ever have (or don't
have) goes to my own work. "Home entertainment" here is a hand-me-down bose
sounddock with an old ipod in it, and the laptop. We do have a tv, but its
old, in an awkward place, hard to hook things up to, and since we don't have
cable or an antenna we just forget that its even there.

Would I have a "home cinema" if I were rich? Maybe. But I'd probably use the
money to buy the TIME to see more interesting work online and go to actual
cinemas instead.


> _______________________________________________________
Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog: www.brookhinton.com/temporalab

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