The holy grail for documentarians is an Oscar nomination or nomination for
another award. Many of these awards require that the film only be seen on
theatres in order to be nominated. As a result, the culture of documentary
film-making will be geared towards traditional theatre presentation until
the rules for awards begin to change.

I personally feel that this is suppressing the art of documentary film, and
hope that the motion picture academy and other orgs will relax these
requirements in order to give documentarians more opportunity to distribute
and make money from their work.

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Jay dedman <> wrote:

> > This all just comes back full circle for me what I was talking about in
> the
> > video conference - how do we bridge the gap between documentarians and
> > videobloggers?
> >
> > Their content isn't all that different. They have similar editing
> workflow
> > conversations. Our art forms are not that different and if anything are
> > converging. Rupert was talking about doing filmatic screenings of
> > videobloggers works in a theater like format. They're trying to get their
> > content to the web. I am going to refrain from using the phrase
> Transmedia -
> > because it will keep being rebranded and frankly terms like that drive me
> > batty - but essentially its all converging. We're all artists - as much
> as
> > the 'new media journalists' want to be, and essentially are -
> journalists.
> > It all ends up on a screen (they just vary in size) its just a matter of
> us
> > all helping each other out to get it on the screen we want it to be on -
> if
> > not all of them - best we can.
> > Thoughts?
> Ive long wondered why documentarians and filmmakers have been the
> slowest to adopt these tools and distribution. Ive heard the reasons
> but they seem bogus. I'm tired of money always being the problem. No
> one is ever just gong to give you money without you first being bold.
> I agree that "videobloggers" can definitely share an understanding of
> the online world....while more more formal "filmmakers" can share the
> process of gathering and telling a story.
> Id love to see a bridge created between the two groups.
> Jay
> --
> 917 371 6790

Jeffrey Taylor
912 Cole St, #349
San Francisco, CA  94117
Mobile: +14157281264
Fax: +33177722734

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