
Ok, so quick update about my sound issues I've been asking you about last week. 
I got an Olympus LS10 to check if there's camera making the hum noise or the 
environment. What a relief..it was that specific environment that I was filming 
in. I tested both my mics (Azden and Rode) on Olympus and there was none to 
minimal hum noise, which is natural in my home (or any house). The same is 

So..now that I edited the video and uploaded to the Youtube I'm experiencing 
some sort of video behind the sound issue. The raw compressed file is looking 
good, but when I upload it to Youtube, the visual goes faster than the sound. 
Is it just me or Youtube doing smth wrong today? Have you had any issues like 
that? I did fix the raw sound to reduce the hum. Could that be doing smth to 
the video on Youtube?

I haven't looked into other forums yet since I just posted the video. But I'll 
check other forums tonight to see if there are any people who had experience 
with this issue.



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