Just trying to extract the interesting topic of multimedia from the video 
format discussion.

I dont really know whee to start, Ive always been interested in it, although as 
mentioned previously I get a bit lost when I actually try to flesh out some 
vague ideas into something more solid and useful.

We've seen some, albeit fairly limited, attempts from the big video services to 
add stuff to video, in terms of being able to insert links or annotation to 
certain objects shown within a video. But even discounting the tech 
limitations, Im left not quite sure how useful this stuff usually is, is it 
worth the effort? Sometimes it really feels like its getting in the way, maybe 
a lot of the time I really just want to consume video in linear fashion and 
keep interactivity and communication for another part of the site.
Looking ahead I wonder how much video might get mixed in with online gaming & 
3D. I know that some years ago some people experimented with video in Second 
Life but it seemed a bit like that stuff ended up as a bit of a fad? 

Are all the various ways that people can share different media on the web 
providing a good foundation and all we need is a nicer way of presenting and 
interacting with this stuff? I still daydream about better ways to mix 
microblogging, photos, video & music & conversations together on the web, but 
actual concrete ideas about how to do this seem to evade me.



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