David Jones: "...I'm convinced it's possible to win the Cannes film festival 
with 500 bucks worth of gear and a crap load of talent and time."

Actually you're not too far off, David (probably right on the money). In 
fact many feature films have been shot with the Canon XL1/2; Trainspoting 
(24 mil gross), 28 Days Later (82.7 mil gross), etc. The XL1/2s being camera 
systems costing under $5 grand, compared to the likes of Arriflex at upwards 
of $50k or more (depending on lenses/new or used, etc.).

Personally I haven't found spending greater dollars on equipment has always 
improved production quality, but pricey gear certainly does make the task of 
acquiring optimum stock much (much) easier to capture. (Besides; because I 
lack talent, I need the help! :)

Again, gear costs truly depend on one's purpose and objectives -- IMHO.

Mark Villaseñor,
Canine Adventures For Charity - sm

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