--- On Mon, 7/6/10, Adrian Miles <adrian.mi...@rmit.edu.au> wrote:

From: Adrian Miles <adrian.mi...@rmit.edu.au>
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Re: WebM Project
To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
Received: Monday, 7 June, 2010, 9:13 PM



      hi all

I've kept out of this, but comments below, sorry Tom, Linux is open source

(it was written, quite recently in the history of unix, because there was

*no* open source unix), but unix is not open source, never has been.

Proprietary all the way as far as I know:no it mostly shared source

the open source/Hacker community born in 1960 and it may not have if unix was 

The issue for survivability is uptake. In 1993 on the web most in media did

not see it as having a viable commercial future, if it remained only for

hobbyists/geeks/tech types they would have been right. Mosaic was invented,

(http existed well before Mosaic, we used Lynx to view webpages) and the web

very quickly became compelling. If mosaic - a graphical browser - had not

come along, well, who knows but the internet could have remained a small,

busy, vocal place for academics and geeks.

the Arpanet,  could have been a very small place  
but then again we could be using FideoNet....
we are getting off topic....
On 7 June 2010 17:56, Tom Sparks <tom_a_spa...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

> the open source community are only one who can keep project going for

> decades

> eg: unix started in 1969 and is still going today



Adrian Miles


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