She Played with Fire (1958)This film was viewed by AFI staff

    Alternative Title(s): Fortune Is a Woman
    Country: Great Britain and United States Language: English
    Production Company: John Harvel Productions, Ltd. A Frank
Launder-Sidney Gilliat Production
    Distribution Company: Columbia Pictures Corp.
    Released: 00 Sep 1958
    Produced: 6 Sep--20 Nov 1956 at the Shepperton Studios, London
    Copyright Information: © John Harvel Productions, Ltd.; 08 Jul 1958;
    Length: 93 or 95 min.
    PCA Certificate Number: 18400
    Physical Properties: Sound: Westrex Recording System; Black & White

The film's working title was Fortune Is a Woman, which was also the
British release title and the title of the print viewed. Before the
opening onscreen credits roll, an image of a metronome dissolves into the
image of a car's [H]windshield wipers sweeping rain from the windshield.
This and the following shots are rendered from the driver's point of view.
The car drives down the long driveway of Louis Manor and stops at the
door. The door opens, the camera dollies into a room and stops at a
painting of a landscape. The driver then sees the dangling hand of a man's
prone body on the staircase. At that moment, "Oliver Branwell" awakens
from his nightmare. The opening credits then roll.

Gary Handman
Media Resources Center
Moffitt Library
UC Berkeley


"I have always preferred the reflection of life to life itself."
--Francois Truffaut

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