> ***Weapons of the Spirit *(Pierre Sauvage, France, 1987). It's not a
> pretty website but http://www.chambon.org/weapons_en.htm and it is one of
> my favorite of the occupation films.
> ***Who Shall Live & Who Shall Die *(Laurence Jarvik, USA, 1982) Laurence
> Jarvik is all over the internet. His blog says his email is
> lajarvik-at-earthink.net<http://www.blogger.com/profile-find.g?t=i&q=Email:+lajarvik-at-earthink.net>
>  -- please send him my regards though it's been 20+ years since we've
> talked when I was at Kino.
> **The Sorrow and the Pity (Marcel Ophüls, France, 1969) That is indeed
> ours, as is It Happened Here and Hitchock's Bon Voyage and Aventure Malgache
> -- our films about under the occupation(s).
> *A Propos de Nice *(Jean Vigo, France, 1930). Janus Criterion is coming
> out with this next month.
> *American Experience: The Murder of Emmett Till *(Stanley Nelson, USA,
> 2003) His website is http://firelightmedia.tv/stanley-nelson/
> *Harlan County *(Barbara Kopple, USA, 1976) Harlen County is with
> Janus/Criterion as I assume the making of is. If they can't provide this,
> Barbara's company Cabin Creek Films is on the web.
> *The Making of 'Harlan County USA’ *(Barbara Kopple, USA, 2006)
I would also check out our next release YOU GOT TO MOVE (
www.yougottomove.com) which involves the individual's empowerment to change
society for the better. WINTER SOLDIER (www.wintersoldierfilm.com) is also
amazing... That was Barbara's first film as director as it was YGTM's
director, Lucy Massie Phenix.

Best regards,
Dennis Doros
Milestone Film & Video/Milliarium Zero
PO Box 128
Harrington Park, NJ 07640
Phone: 201-767-3117
Fax: 201-767-3035
email: milefi...@gmail.com
AMIA Austin 2011: www.amianet.org
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