I have also loved this musical, William Daniels is always who I see when
I think of John Adams and him being obnoxious and disliked.  The look on
his face when he comes to the end of "Is Any body There" and the rep
from Georgia answers him was great.
regards jhs
>>> Deg Farrelly  11/14/12 4:36 PM >>>
A little off topic* but I can't help but comment.

While Vincent Canby and Roger Ebert didn't care for the film version of
"1776", I have always loved the musical.  It is, after all, a musical,
a documentary.  And it won several major Tony and Drama Desk awards.

I've always found the music quite engaging, from the epistolary duet
between Adams and his wife, to the implication of the northern colonies
the slave trade ("Molasses to Rum"), an amazing anti-war song "Momma
Sharp" (it was the late 1960s) and the anthem of the conservatives "Cool
Considerate Men"*

It was unfortunate that Cool Considerate Men was cut from the film but I
understand it has been restored in later releases.


deg farrelly, Media Librarian
Arizona State University Libraries
Hayden Library C1H1
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, Arizona  85287-1006
Phone:  602.332.3103

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