We ran into the same issue a few years ago when we ordered this set. Even
after correspondence between my library dean and the university counsel, the
company would not relent on only allowing us to purchase one copy. I think
the acquisitions person even tried to circumvent this by ordering a set as a
personal copy, but I guess when the company did a search of the
shipping/billing address and discovered it was going to a university, then
that order was cancelled.  In the end, we ordered the two sets because the
faculty was very insistent on acquiring this set for his department’s
animation program and curriculum. 




When we first ordered it, my intention was to keep one set in storage to use
as a backup in case a disc in the circulating set ended up damaged, lost, or
missing. However, I think the head of technical services or someone higher
than me (my memory is foggy) made the decision to circulate both sets. The
discs are cataloged individually so a patron does not need to check out the
entire set, which I think has helped keep the discs from disappearing or


I hope that helps!






Jodie L. Borgerding, M.L.S.

Instruction and Liaison Librarian

Emerson Library

Webster University

470 E. Lockwood

St. Louis, MO  63119

(314) 246-7819

 <mailto:jborgerdin...@webster.edu> jborgerdin...@webster.edu

 <http://libguides.webster.edu/soc> http://libguides.webster.edu/soc


 <http://libguides.webster.edu/zombies> http://libguides.webster.edu/zombies


“Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the
information he wants.”


From: videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu
[mailto:videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of Jean Reese
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 11:01 AM
To: videolib@lists.berkeley.edu
Subject: [Videolib] The Animator's Survival Kit on dvd


Good Morning,


Our collection development department is now ordering media since the merger
of the Media Library.  A faculty member wants the library to purchase The
Animator's Survival Kit on dvd.


Here is the response received from the vendor about purchasing the set.


"I notice that you are ordering on behalf of a university, and therefore I
am obliged to advise you of the terms and conditions around screening


If you plan to use these for screening to students or colleagues or keep in
a library, copyright permission needs to be purchased. The cost of this is
£1268.08, plus courier costs £37.00. You will then receive 2 copies of the
DVDs, and the copyright permission to place them in a lending library, or
screen them for students. Please note that all of our charges and quotes are
in Sterling.


If this is for private use only, please let us know and we will supply the
one copy you have ordered, but you should be aware that any screening use
would be illegal."


Has anyone purchased this before?   Wouldn't educational use still apply
since it's for classroom use? Or is the something related to the UK?  We
don't need two dvd sets.  From my calculations it would be over $2,000.  Any
thoughts or suggestions are very welcome.









Jean Reese


Walker Library

User Services

Middle Tennessee State University

Box 13 / 1301 East Main Street

Murfreesboro, TN 37132


PH: 615-898-2725

email:  jean.re...@mtsu.edu <mailto:jean.re...@mtsu.edu> 

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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