
This is a service that I provide to our student groups and faculty members.  I 
also serve on the Faculty Film and Lecture Committee, since I am the campus 
liaison for arranging licensing.  While it can be a royal pain in the arse at 
times – particularly having to drop other things for those “well, we want to do 
this next week” requests – of course other times it’s a breeze and no trouble 
at all.

The main reason I like having ONE person handle this for the campus is two-fold:

1)      if there is education to be done regarding PPR and the legalities of 
screenings, it helps keep the message consistent;

2)      if everyone under the sun is arranging his/her own screenings through 
Swank or etc., then chances are they’re NOT receiving the level of discount 
they could if all bookings happen through one person/one account.  Even a 
little campus like ours managed to achieve a 15% discount last year by 
funneling all screening requests through me.

One note.  Like your situation, Lorraine, the library doesn’t typically fund 
the actual PPR license; but I am happy to do the legwork and make the 
arrangements.  I just require the person/group to provide me with the account 
number to charge in advance.


Susan Albrecht
Library Media Acquisitions Manager
Graduate Fellowship Advisor
Wabash College Lilly Library
765-361-6295 fax

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." --Neil Peart

From: videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu 
[mailto:videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of Wochna, Lorraine
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 5:54 PM
To: videolib@lists.berkeley.edu
Subject: [Videolib] Feature Films and libraries

Hi everyone,

I’m writing up a PPR/Feature Film blurb for our website.  When faculty / grads 
/ students want to show a feature film, do you direct them to Swank or 
Criterion, or does your library (librarian, media library) investigate?  How 
many of you consider this a library service?  For the most part, this will not 
come out of our budget, but folks ask how to get rights  and I wanted to give 
them a decent answer.  Right now my advice to them is to contact Swank Digital 
(on their own).   I’m completely happy to help all of them, but it might be 
best if they know how to begin on their own.

Thanks for your input,

lorraine wochna
Alden Library, Ohio U
Instruction Coordinator
Liaison to African America Studies, English, Film, Theatre
Athens OH  45701

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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