Great, thanks!

[] On Behalf Of Carla Myers
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Videolib] CopyTalk December 1st - VHS preservation and Section 108

Yes and no! It turns out there were some technical issues so the webinar did 
not go off as planned. The have reschedule it for Jan. 5 at 2pm eastern/11am 
pacific. Same access URL as below.

So you won't be able to find this one today, but come Jan. 6 it will be 
archived with the other CopyTalk webinars here:


[] On Behalf Of Daryll Stevens
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Videolib] CopyTalk December 1st - VHS preservation and Section 108


What a great idea!  Will this be archived for later viewing?


Daryll Stevens
Music Librarian/Clarinet Instructor
Seay Library
Packard Room 55<>
o (719) 389-6126<tel:%28719%29%20389-6126>
c (719) 578-5039<tel:%28719%29%20578-5039>
f (719) 389-6561<tel:%28719%29%20389-6561>

14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903

[] On Behalf Of Carla Myers
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 11:43 AM
Subject: [Videolib] CopyTalk December 1st - VHS preservation and Section 108

Please excuse the cross postings...

CopyTalk Webinar: Section 108 Video Project

Starting in the late 1970s academic libraries built collections of VHS titles 
with an emphasis on supporting classroom teaching. On average, academic 
libraries have more than 3000 VHS tapes.
Eclipsed by robust and rapid adoption of DVDs, the VHS era is now over. But a 
crisis is welling for libraries. Of the hundreds of thousands of VHS recordings 
commercially released, a substantial number never were released on DVD or in 
streaming format. To compound matters, industry experts estimate that various 
forces converge against VHS (age of tapes, irreparable and irreplaceable 
equipment, retirement of VHS technicians) ultimately making the format 
inaccessible by 2027.
Under Section 108 of U.S. Copyright law, libraries have an available remedy to 
this problem. The law allows duplication of some items if prior to duplication, 
a reasonable search determined that an unused copy of the title is not 
This session presents a cooperative database, established to capture the search 
efforts for current distribution of VHS video titles, and to identify titles 
eligible for duplication under Section 108.

Our speaker will be deg farrelly, who has been a media librarian for 40 years, 
the last 25 at Arizona State University. He has played instrumental roles at 
multiple companies in the development of streaming video collections and 
licensing, including the first PDA, the first subscription, and the first EBA 
models. Co-investigator of two national studies, "The Survey of Academic 
Library Streaming Video" (2013) and "Academic Library Streaming Video 
Revisited" (2015), farrelly writes and presents frequently on issues related to 
streaming video.

Day/Time: Thursday, December 1st at 2pm Eastern/11am Pacific for our hour long 
free webinar. Join us!
Go to and sign in as a guest. You're in.
This program is brought to you by OITP's copyright education subcommittee


Assistant Professor
Faculty Director of Access Services and Scholarly Communications
Kraemer Family Library
The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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