
 > I've pushed the changes. Does it solve the GTX285 case?

thanks, it does!

> The policy is :
> - One global GPU fallback (very conservative)
> - One global CPU fallback (very conservative)
> - One global Accelerator fallback (very conservative)
> -One Fallback per architecture family
> --------
> if the vendor is not in the database, return the global fallback profile
> if the vendor is in the database but the architecture fallback isn't,
> return global fallback
> if the vendor, architecture is in the database but not the name, test
> architecture fallback. If the profile is invalid (work group size not
> compatible, too much local size), returns the global fallback. Else,
> return the architecture fallback
> If everything is fine, return the specific device profile.

Looks good to me.

Do we want to keep the full device name in the profiles map? With vendor 
and arch determined, we know pretty much everything we need to know. If 
we need to match the name 1:1, there may be too many devices which we 
miss even though the 'faster' profile should work?

Oh, and btw: I don't think the profiles map is valgrind-clean...

Best regards,

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