Hi Philippe,

Philippe Tillet <phil.til...@gmail.com>
> Concerning version numbering, I would tend to think that PyViennaCL should
> indeed be rebuilt/repackaged at least every minor release, so that it can
> benefit performance improvements in the core. On the other hand, following
> the same versioning convention as ViennaCL could be imho misleading for the
> userbase, since ViennaCL guarantees API stability throughout a version
> number, while PyViennaCL may not integrate all the functionalities on the
> API.
> I would suggest starting PyViennaCL at 1.0, and increase the minor version
> like you want, and synchronizing the version number with ViennaCL on each
> major release (PyViennaCL 2.0 ...)

My temptation is somehow to have a PyViennaCL version number and a
ViennaCL version number, like "1.0~1.5.0", to keep track of both bits of
the API.

> Do you want me to test your tarball right now on my system, or wait a bit
> for you to polish the code further?

Sure, you can give it a test. The tarball I intend to submit is at
[1]. You don't even need to bother with the git submodule for
boost_numpy here! But you do need python-dev, and numpy and boost-python
(to match your Python version), and sphinx-python (to build the
docs). If your Python version is not 3.3.2, then you need to change a
couple of lines in CMakeLists.txt:

  find_package(PythonInterp 3.3.2 EXACT)


  set(BOOST_COMPONENTS python-py33)

Imagine your PythonInterp version is X.Y.Z. Then your BOOST_COMPONENTS
value must be python-pyXY.

Then just do `cd build; cmake ..; make` as usual. HTML documentation
will be in build/pyviennacl/build/doc. You should be able to do `ctest`
successfully, but right now that assumes you've installed PyViennaCL,
and your OpenCL configuration is working. To install PyViennaCL into
/usr/local, just run `make install`.

Once PyViennaCL is installed, you can read the documentation outside of
its HTML form by starting Python, importing pyviennacl, and running

  >>> help(pyviennacl)

I think that's everything! Happy hacking etc

[1] http://tsmithe.net/files/ViennaCL-1.4.998-py-src.tar.gz



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