Hi guys,

the Google Summer of Code [1] is approaching. It attracted some great 
contributors in the past, most notably Philippe and Toby, and I hope 
there's more to come. So, guys, please provide your project ideas.

My experience is that good projects are those which don't require the 
student to understand large parts of the existing code and are easy to 
formulate (but not necessarily easy to accomplish :-P). Although I don't 
see work items on our roadmap nicely fulfilling this optimum, we still 
have at least two neat things to work on:

The first project I have in mind is the benchmarking GUI we brainstormed 
about in IRC. It's probably a good idea to push out a first working 
version in the next weeks and then let the student work on refinements 
such as a visualization of the results, etc.

Second, I think PyViennaCL will benefit from another push. Toby, how's 
your availability for a release in February? I have more time now for 
assisting you with the final polishing.

Something rather generic is the "implementation of algorithms" such as 
additional iterative solvers, etc. Now as the standard matrix and vector 
operations are pretty mature and support multiple backends, this should 
be a pretty fun piece of work :-)

@Philippe, Toby: How about mentoring this year?

Best regards,

[1] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2014

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