Dear Gengdai Liu,

 > I'm a new user of viennacl. I have a problem when I used it.
> I have already successfully built all examples with default setting (but
> with Eigen and CUDA turned on). When I swithed to using cuda backend for
> eigen-with-viennalcl example(VIENNACL_WITH_CUDA is defined), I got
> several compile errors as follows:
> error C2059: syntax error : '<' in
> (1) "/viennacl/linalg/cuda/matrix_operations.hpp" at functions:
> matrix_row_assign_kernel<<<128, 128>>>, matrix_col_assign_kernel<<<128,
> 128>>>
> and
> (2) "/viennacl/linalg/cuda/vector_operations.hpp"
> at vector_assign_kernel<<<128, 128>>>
> Other examples and benchmarks were built correctly and worked well,
> including iterative-eigen with cuda on.
> I'm using Visual studio 2010, viennacl 1.5.1, Eigen 3.2.0 and CUDA SDK 5.5.

Hmm, this looks like you did not use the file ending .cu for the source 
file for CUDA compilation. This is necessary for nvcc to correctly parse 
the CUDA code, otherwise it assumes plain C++ code.

Best regards,

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