
okay, the tests in dependent projects triggered, I get segfaults when 
running CG with ublas-objects. I don't know the exact reason yet, but it 
needs to be fixed.

Best regards,

PS: I'll also reiterate the coding style we agreed upon (with not much 
effect) about half a year ago next week. Things get too inhomogeneous.

 > I'm just realizing that, while such checks make sense in the case of
> self-assignement, we probably shouldn't do it for inner_prod(), since it
> should technically result in a different expression tree. The good way
> to implement it would be through a pre-processor for
> scheduler::statement (like in Theano), but we're not there yet. So,
> i'll just perform an additional check within CG for now
> Philippe
> 2014-05-21 23:04 GMT+02:00 Philippe Tillet <phil.til...@gmail.com
> <mailto:phil.til...@gmail.com>>:
>     Hi,
>     Ok thanks, i'll do it!
>     I did this trick:
>            template<typename VectorType, typename PreconditionerType>
>            class z_handler{
>            public:
>              z_handler(VectorType & residual) : z_(residual){ }
>              VectorType & get() { return z_; }
>            private:
>              VectorType z_;
>            };
>            template<typename VectorType>
>            class z_handler<VectorType, viennacl::linalg::no_precond>{
>            public:
>              z_handler(VectorType & residual) : presidual_(&residual){ }
>              VectorType & get() { return *presidual_; }
>            private:
>              VectorType * presidual_;
>            };
>     And then, in the code:
>     z_handler<VectorType, PreconditionnerType> zh(residual);
>     VectorType& z = zh.get();
>     The rest can either be done as if(&z == &residual) or by checking
>     self-assignments, and the address of the arguments of norm. I've
>     chosen the latter option, since I don't see any drawback to
>     redirecting inner_prod to norm2 when the two arguments are the same,
>     or returning *this directly for a self-assignment. Plus, some users
>     might end up doing similar things too, so it's better to have it
>     handled internally
>     Philippe
>     2014-05-21 21:35 GMT+02:00 Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at
>     <mailto:r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at>>:
>         Hi,
>          > I've slightly modified the CG implementation to handle
>         preconditionned
>             CG and unpreconditionned CG in the same routine (without
>             adding any
>             extra allocation/copy), but I can't find a routine to test
>             that I
>             haven't introduced a bug. Running
>             grep "cg_tag" tests/src/*
>             returns no result.
>             Do we have a test for the iterative solvers, or just examples?
>         unfortunately there is no native test in ViennaCL itself. Some
>         other Vienna-libraries test their solvers against viennacl-dev,
>         so this part of functionality is checked indirectly.
>         The easiest way to verify proper operation 'by hand' is to check
>         the residuals reported through 'solverbench'.
>         Btw: How does your unified implementation behave
>         performance-wise? I think the reason this was not unified is
>         that a plain CG somewhere saves a memory transfer (norm()
>         instead of inner_prod() or related). On the other hand, the
>         pipelined CG version I'll push soon will require some extra
>         tweaks for ViennaCL-types, so it's good to have a single
>         'generic' implementation for non-ViennaCL types.
>         Best regards,
>         Karli

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