Hi Charles,

can you please quantify what you mean by 'slower'? How does 'slower' 
change as you increase the problem size? I would not be surprised if you 
see no performance gains below matrices of size 500-by-500. With the 
extra back-and-forth through PCI-Express you may even need matrices of 
at least 1000-by-1000.

Best regards,

On 07/31/2015 09:04 PM, Charles Determan wrote:
> Greetings,
> Brief background, I am developing a series of R packages to bring
> ViennaCL to the R community.  I have had success with the development of
> my gpuR package (https://github.com/cdeterman/gpuR) which relies on the
> OpenCL backend of ViennaCL (which is housed in the package RViennaCL).
> I am hoping to submit to CRAN in the coming weeks now that the latest
> stable ViennaCL version has just been released.
> Naturally, I wanted a companion package for a CUDA backend.  This is now
> the gpuRcuda package (https://github.com/cdeterman/gpuRcuda).  This has
> appeared to work successfully as most of the code is the same.  However,
> my initial benchmarks are showing very dismal performance with the CUDA
> backend.
> I was wondering if someone from this list would be willing to have a
> look at my code to see why the CUDA code would be so much worse.  I had
> thought, given working a NVIDIA card (GeForce GTX 970), CUDA would
> provide improved speed but the benchmarks are showing performance at
> least 5-fold slower than the CPU based R multiplication.  Even the
> 'float' type matrix multiplication is slower than R (which only has
> double type support!).
> The sgemm CUDA file is
> (https://github.com/cdeterman/gpuRcuda/blob/master/src/vcl_sgemm.cu) and
> the associated C++ file is
> (https://github.com/cdeterman/gpuRcuda/blob/master/src/vcl_cudaMatrix_gemm.cpp).
> Other note, I have tried making the two packages completely independent
> and the performance is still very poor with CUDA.
> I really appreciate any help others could provide troubleshooting this.
> I have truly run out of ideas as to why the code has such poor performance.
> Regards,
> Charles
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