
I'm Having some difficulties with compressed_matrix multiplication.

Essentially I am copying  three buffers, the CSR conversion of an Apache Mahout 
SparseMatrix, into two compressed_matrices performing matrix multiplication. I 
am doing this in scala and Java using javacpp.

For example, I have a 5 x 10 matrix of ~20% non-zero values which in CSR format 
looks like this:

NNz: 12

Row Pointer: [0, 1, 4, 6, 9, 12, ]

Col Pointer: [9, 0, 8, 7, 2, 9, 0, 8, 9, 0, 3, 5, ]

element Pointer: [0.4065367203992265, 0.04957158909682802, 0.5205586068847993, 
0.3708618354358446, 0.6963900565931678, 0.8330915529787706, 
0.32839112750638844, 0.7856168903297948, 0.4265801782090245, 
0.14733066454561583, 0.9501663495824946, 0.9710498974366047, ]

Multiplied by a similarly Sparse 10 x 5 compressed_matrix

I use a CompressedMatrix wrapper which essentially wraps the

    viennacl:: compressed_matrix (vcl_size_t rows, vcl_size_t cols, vcl_size_t 
nonzeros=0, viennacl::context ctx=viennacl::context())

constructor as well as the

    compressed_matrix (matrix_expression< const compressed_matrix, const 
compressed_matrix, op_prod > const &proxy).

I have a helper function, toVclCompressedMatrix(..) which essentially does the 
CSR conversion from a Mahout src matrix, calls the constructor  and uses 
viennacl::compressed_matrix::set(...) to set the buffers:

val ompA = toVclCompressedMatrix(src = mxA, ompCtx)
val ompB = toVclCompressedMatrix(src = mxB, ompCtx)

and then create a new viennacl::compressed_matrix from the 
viennacl::linalg::prod of the 2 matrices i.e.:

val ompC = new CompressedMatrix(prod(ompA, ompB))

The context in the above case is either the Host or OpenMP (I know that there 
is some special casting of the row_jumpers and col_idxs that needs to be done 
in the OpenCL version)

The Matrix multiplication completes without error on small Matrices eg. < 300 x 
but seems to overwrite the resulting buffers on larger Matrices.

My real problem, though is getting the memory back out of the resulting `ompC` 
compresed_matrix so that i can write it back to a mahout SparseMatrix.

currently I am using:

void viennacl::backend::memory_copy (mem_handle const &  src_buffer,
        mem_handle &      dst_buffer,
        vcl_size_t      src_offset,
        vcl_size_t      dst_offset,
        vcl_size_t      bytes_to_copy

on ompC.handel1, ompC.handel2 and ompC.handel source handels

to copy into pre-allocated  row_jumper,  col_index and element buffers (of size 
ompC.size1() + 1, ompC.nnz and ompC.nnz, respectivly).

I am getting nonsensical values back that one would expect from memory errors. 

the Matrix geometry of the result: ompC.size1(), and omp.size2() are correct 
and ompC.nnz is a reasonable value.

It is possible that I have mis-allocated some of the memory on my side, but I 
am pretty sure that most of the Buffers are allocated correctly (usually 
JavaCPP does a pretty good job of this).

I guess, long story short, my question is am i using the correct method of 
copying the memory out of a compressed_matrix?  is there something glaringly 
incorrect that i am doing here?  Should I be using 
viennacl::backend::memory_copy or is there a different method that i should be 

Thanks very much,


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