vay thi kho' qua', con cach nao don gian hon khong Bien ?
bay gio truoc het lam sao cho hai server no' lien lac voi nhau de server nay chet toi thi` server kia thay the.
tai. chua lam bao gio nen cung khong hieu la minh dang noi cai gi nua :(

Bien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--- Manh Cuong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Hi Bien,
> muo^'n thiet lap mot he thong go^`m 2 NFS server
> cha.y song song, de^? da?m ba?o he^. tho^'ng luo^n
> da'p u+'ng to^'t. Khi client truy xua^'t file o+?
> ma'y NFS server, ne^'u giu+~a chu+`ng server co'
> su+. co^' thi` no' se~ tie^'p tu.c la`m vie^.c vo+'i
> server thu+' hai ma` kho^ng bi. gia'n
> ca'i na`y mi`nh nghi~ ra tho^i chu+' cha(?ng
> bie^'t the^' na`o, tu+o+?ng co' the^? la`m gio^'ng
> nhu+ DNS master/slave model. :(
> Mong duoc mo.i ngu+o+`i giu'p ddo+~
> Manh Cuong.
Ca'i ddo' go.i la` sa(~n sa`ng cao (HA), ca^`n nhie^`u
thu+' ke^'t ho+.p la.i vo+'i nhau mo+'i co' ddu+o+.c.
Mi`nh mo+'i chi? thu+? LifeKeeper
( nhu+ng ddo' la` sa?n pha^?m
thu+o+ng ma.i..

Opensource thi` hi`nh nhu+ cu~ng co' nhu+ng kho^ng ro~
te^n tuo^?i.


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