On Saturday 31 July 2004 11:36, maikhai wrote:
> On Saturday 31 July 2004 8:25 am, Nguyen Thanh Bien wrote:
> > > Co' ca'i la` Yoper installer ho+i vui vui. Basically the installer copy
> > > the whole pre-installed partition onto your partition /me thinks.
> >
> > DDu'ng va^.y, sau ddo' la.i pha?i customize la.i ca'c partitions, copy,
> > ro^`i edit fstab.... thi` mo+'i ddu+o+.c nhu+ y'..
> Vu. na`y nghi~a la` sao? Gentoo hay Yos? Ne^'u la` Yos thi` customize the^'
> na`o, co`n cho+` gi` nu+~a ma` kho^ng xua^'t chie^u ra nhi?!

Co' gi` dda^u ba'c !! tro` tre? con a^'y ma`:

YOS no' ca`i ta^'t va`o / (dde^? de^~ vie^'t chu+o+ng tri`nh ca`i dda(.t a^'y 
Ne^'u kho^ng muo^'n the^? thi`:
fdisk, mkfs.. dde^? ta.o the^m partition va` fs mo+'i,
sau ddo' mount ta.m nhu+~ng ca'i ddo' va`o dda^u 
ddo' (/mnt/tmpusr, /mnt/tmpvar...)

Ro^`i nha('m ma('t:
 cp -rp /usr /mnt/tmpusr
 cp -rp /var /mnt/tmpvar

edit la.i fstab cho ho+.p vo+'i hoa`n ca?nh (the^m ma^'y tha(`ng vu+`a ta.o, 
va`o ca'c mount point thu+.c te^' /usr, /var...)

reboot mo^.t ca'i dde^? kie^?m tra dda~ ngon chu+a ?? ne^'u ngon thi` ddu't 
mo^.t ca'i ddi~a LiveCD na`o ddo' (Knoppix, SystemRescue...), boot tu+` 
cdrom, chui va`o ca'i partition / ma` vu+`a cai` YOS ro^`i xoa' be'ng ruo^.t 
gan (chi? ruo^.t gan tho^i ba'c nhe') cu?a /usr, /var.. dde^? tie^'t kie^.m 
diskspace. co`n thi'ch nu+~a thi` resize cho be' la.i (ba(`ng parted)..

Ro^`i boot la.i bi`nh thu+o+`ng (ba(`ng YOS)

-- DDu'ng la` tre? con ba'c nhi? ?
Cha'u Bie^n

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