On 4:55:16 am 09/11/04 Khiem Nguyen Dinh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cha`o mo.i ngu*o*`i!
> Em ddang su*? du.ng Mandrake_Linux 9.2, ma*.c du` co' vie^.t ho'a
> nhu*ng nay em muo^'n tu*. nghie^n cu*'u ve^` vie^.t ho'a linux. Va^.y
> ca'c ba'c chi? giu'p cho em ve^` ca'i na`y nhe'. Ca'm o*n ca'c ba'c
> ve^` su*. giu'p do*~. Lu'c na`o ho.p ma*.t ca'c tha`nh vie^n o*? Ha`
> No^.i ddi.

Ba.n cu+' ta?i ma^'y files .po ve^` ma` di.ch. Xem tho^ng tin the^m ve^`
du+. a'n Mandrake-vi o+? dda^y http://www.mandrakelinux.com/l10n/vi.php3

Muo^'n bie^'t ca'ch di.ch nhu+ the^' na`o thi` xem 
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.linux.vietlug/848 hay 
http://vinux.sourceforge.net/gnomevi/doc/po_pot_file_howto.html hay 

Ne^'u ba.n quye^'t ddi.nh tham gia di.ch thi` ne^n lie^n la.c vo+'i anh
Tri.nh Minh Thanh ta.i [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nghe no'i da.o na`y a?nh dda~ quay
la.i vo+'i di.ch thua^.t thay vi` ddi mo^? :)



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