On 12:02:26 am 11/19/04 mkh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ba` Con!
> Ba^y gio+` tui bi. ho?i to+'i ca'i na`y ro^`i hehe! Ai bie^'t la`m
> o+n tie^'p su+'c ddi :-)

Cha'u tha^'y Compontized Linux nghe kha' ha^'p da^~n cho developers ma(.c
du` ai cu~ng co' the^? tu+. ca`i ca'ch devel software tre^n ba?n Linux
mi`nh ddang cha.y.

Ba'c xem http://www.vnlinux.org/sitemoi/?q=node/51
Cha'u chu+a thu+? distro na`y.


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