Minh khong hieu y cua Cahiruoi noi the nao? Mang cua minh la mang LAN ngang 
hang nen ai cung co the doi IP sang duoc. Dieu kho chiu la thang Linux lai 
khong bao cho thang Windows biet la IP Conflict nen no doi IP sang la no dung 
duoc ngay, khong nhu Windows voi nhau no se bao la da co nguoi su dung. Mong 
chairuou chi ro giup hon, cam on nhieu. Con viec ma de chan lai thi cung kho vi 
nhu vay phai mua Swith Layer 2 rat dat tien, khoang 300-350$ cho loai 24ports. 
Va ko hieu lam sao de chan nguoi ta lay IP minh.

-----Original Message-----
From: chairuou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 10:31:44 +0700
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Ai biet chi giup

|On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 04:10:33 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
|> Minh gap 1 van de rat la la, May cua minh dung Linux Redhat 9.0 ket noi vao 
mang LAN co IP la Khi co 1 may khac trong mang LAN chuyen IP thanh khi do se co hien tuong IP Conflict nhung khong hieu sao no lai 
khong xay ra va nguoi kia van co the dung ngay lap tuc IP binh 
thuong. Da ai gap truong hop nay chua nhi? Ai biet chi giup minh nhe! Cau hinh 
cu the luon, cam on nhieu.
|ma'y kia sao la^'y tru`ng ddu+o+.c ? they have local administration
|right ? why you don't limit them to access to change their settings
|and use DHCP server to issue IP address for your LAN ?
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