Ok, da giai quyet xong cai van de get file qua SSH tu Windows, bay gio chuyen 
tiep 1 van de nua la minh muon thiet lap VPN den LAN qua minh, Server cua minh 
chay FreeBSD, co Static IP (server cung cap Internet cho toan mang LAN), minh 
muon thiet lap VPN de ket noi den, mong cac ban chi giup hoac neu khong chi 
giup minh chuong trinh nao tot nhat de thuc hien, minh se vao magn Search.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: vietlug-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 20:22:53 +1300
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Vietlug] Wget tra loi nhanh!

|> Tien day hoi luon moi nguoi, co cach nao minh dung PUTTY tu Windows ket noi 
SSH den FreeBSD va minh co the get files hoac directories ve thang may Windows 
cua minh duoc ko nhi? Minh nghe noi phai dung tool.
|Thu+? du`ng WinSCP (ha^`u he^'t ca'c ma'y cho cha.y SSH dde^`u co'
|the^? du`ng scp).
|Happy Holidays,
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|Ask what you can do with your computer.
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