Hi cac ban!

Ubuntu sao no' cho+i nga+?ng qua', kho^ng bo? KDE ye^u da^'u cu?a tui
va`o. Cac ban vui long chi cho may chuc chie^u  sau day:

1/ Add KDE vao the nao?
2/ Lam sao add font?
3/ Cai xvnkb?
4/ Cai x-unikey roi ma khong go duoc dau la tai gi vay?
5/ Lam cach nao de close xunikey ma khong phai logout?
6/ Thu muc /Mail (tuong duong KDE) cua Evolution nam o cai cho nao?
7/ Lam the nao install mc-4.6 vao Ubuntu?

Con 3 chie^u nua moi du mot chuc.

Cam on cac ban 7 la^`n.

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