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1.1 Linux architecture
 - Kernel and Shell architecture
 - Linux native file system and network file system

1.2 Basic Linux usage
 - Basic shell commands
    -- File and directory manipulation
       --- ls, mkdir, rm, grep, cp, tar
       --- cat, find, cut, tr, ln
    -- Process and System manipulation
       --- ps, kill, mount, sort, xarg, du, df
       --- netstat, uname, uptime, time, date
 - Basic Bash shell scripting language

1.3 Basic Linux administration tasks
 - Installing additional package in Linux
 - Updating and maintaining file system
 - User and group administration
 - Using NFS and Samba file system

2.1 Review of C programming common mistakes and practical examples 
2.2 Introduction of "KISS" principle and how to apply it in real world
2.3 Review theory of advance C types such as structure, union, bit
field, type casting
2.4 Review usage of data structure with practical examples
2.5 Modular programming  - Module  - Public, private  - Extern, static
 - Other design guidelines
2.5 Portability problems  - Memory alignment and ordering
(big-endian/little-endian) problems
and debug methodology  - Modularity, Word size  - File name, file type problems

3.1 Basic Concepts of Internet works, Routers, and Addresses
3.2 The TCP/IP Protocol Layers   - 4 layers model of TCP/IP stack   -
MAC Address, IP Addresses   - ARP, RARP, Proxy ARP, ICMP   - IP
Addressing and sub-netting
3.3 Static routing   - Routing table   - Configuring and trouble
shooting static route
3.4 Dynamic routing   - Routing protocol basic (RIP, OSPF)   -
Distance Vector Routing Protocols vs.. Link State Routing Protocols  
- Route control and interoperability using route filtering and route
3.5 IPsec (operation modes and encryption algorithm)
3.6 Differences in IPv6 comparing to IPv4  - IP Header, IP Addressing
and sub-netting, etc.     +Note: Recommend to practice configuring an
IPv6 address for a workstation

4.1 GNU compiler (gcc)  - Compile and linking a program  - Include
files and include paths  - Creating static/dynamic library
4.2 Link (ld) - Library loading mechanism - Controlling of default
library loading mechanism
4.3 GNU debugger (gdb)  - Controlling program execution with
breakpoint and commands  - Runtime stack investigation  - Display
variable and memory investigation  - Debug program using shared
libraries  - Debug a running program  - Remote debugging
4.4 GNU make (make)  - Make rules  - Using variables  - Advance make
features    -- Running command in parallel    -- Error handling and
execution    -- Controlling of structure and directives
4.5 CVS  - Introduction to CVS working principle and common terms:
checkout, commit, conflict, merge, branch, etc.  - Using CVS     --
Use CVS command line interfaces  - Secure access and working tip with
4.6 Other useful tools  - GNU binary utils (nm, ar, ranlib, strip,
object copy, objdump, size, addr2line)  - Trace tools (ltrace, strace)
4.7 Cross Compilation & debug  - Introduction to Cross-development for
Embedded Linux  - Setting up Cross-Compiler, Cross-debugger and
additional Cross-development Libraries in Linux 2.6 box  - Core dump
analysis in Cross-development
5.1 Basic file manipulation and I/O routines  - fopen, freopen, fclose
 - Basic file reading and status functions  - Characters and formatted
output, input
5.2 Process control  - fork, vfork, exec, system, popen, clone, wait, waipid
5.3 Accessing system information  - Process info  - Memory info  -
General system info (/proc)
5.4 System clock and time
5.5 Handling errors  - assert, exit, afterexit, errorno, perror,
strerror  - System logging facilities (SYSLOG)
5.6 Basic IPC using Pipe and Message Queue  - Creation and usage of
Named Pipe (FIFO) and Unnamed Pipe  - Using Message Queue and System V
IPC  - Understand the advantage and drawback of each IPC solution
5.7 TCP/IP and Socket programming  - Socket programming with TCP and
UDP using basic system calls  - Bind, Socket, Listen, Connect, Accept,
   -- recv, send, recvfrom, sendto  - Different techniques to handle
multi I/O request    -- Select    -- poll
5.8 Multithreaded programming  - Characteristics of threads and
processes  - Basic POSIX thread programming (creation, terminate)  -
Basic threads synchronization using mutex
6.1 Advance I/O  - Non-blocking I/O  - I/O Multiplexing  - Asynchronous I/O
6.2 Interprocess Communication  - Semaphores  - Shared memory  -
Streams pipe  - Passing file descriptors
6.3 Threading  - More synchronization and scheduling technique using
semaphore, condition variable and context switching  - Controlling of
system limitations such as stack size (when thread need to perform
complex job  - Thread queue pattern and apply them in real world
6.4 Advance Network programming  - Daemon processes  - Ioctrl
operation and usage  - Signal driven I/O for socket  - Controlling of
socket options  - Network programming debugging techniques
6.5 More advanced topics  - Kernel  - Module  - Device driver

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