Cha`o ba'c Ha?i,

> Nhu+ng co' va^'n dde^` la` trong flux box, meo vo+'i
> thunderbird thi` 
> fonts kho^ng dde.p nhu+ trong gnome. Ta.i sao? Ca'ch
> xu+? li'?

Ba'c thu+? la`m nhu+ sau xem ma^'y ca'i u+'ng
du`ng thu+ vie^.n GTK-2.x cha.y trong Fluxbox "ma(.t
mu~i" chu'ng co' kha' ho+n kho^ng 

The^m do`ng sau va`o file $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 (ne^'u file
na`y chu+a co' thi` ba'c ta.o no' ba(`ng le^.nh: touch

include "/usr/share/themes/Industrial/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"


PS: O+? dda^y cha'u du`ng theme Industrial, ba'c
thi'ch ca'i theme na`o kha'c thi` tu+. ti`m trong thu+
mu.c /usr/share/themes/ ro^`i thay the^' va`o vi. tri'
cu?a Industrial.
Chu'c su+'c khoe? ba'c.


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