Tri H Trinh wrote:

On 5/27/05, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi List!

Tui muo^'n copy file /etc/fstab dde^'n /home/tui va` /tmp va` /var cu`ng
mo^.t lu'c, ba(`ng mo^.t le^.nh duy nha^'t, chi? cha.y 1 la^`n

thi` co' ddu+o+.c kho^ng? Pha?i go~ sao?

Ca'm o+n ca'c ba.n

m k h _ s g n
ba'c thu+? go~ 3 le^.nh cp mo^.t la^`n tre^n cu`ng mo^.t do`ng nhu+ the^' na`y:

$cp /etc/fstab /home/tui/ && cp /etc/fstab /tmp/ && cp /etc/fstab /var/

Ca'm o+n.

Nhu+ng coi ho+i ki` ki` he`? Sao kho^ng co' pro^ gram mo+ na`o mo+ tha^'y mo^.t ca'i tri`nh gi` gio^'ng gio^'ng va^.y he`? Hay la` kho^ng ca^`n thie^'t vi` thu+.c te^' kho^ng co' nhu ca^`u?

Ta.o the^m mo^.t va`i tham so^' cho le^.nh cp co' ddu+o+.c kho^ng?

m k h _ s g n

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