Larry Nguyen wrote:

Hello MySQL lovers,

Ga^`n dda^y site ho+i bi. cha^.m ne^n mi`nh ddang nga^m cu+'u tuning MySQL.
Nhie^`u lu'c cha.y top tha^'y no' ba'o mysqld 99% CPU :( DDa~ co' box
rie^ng cho MySQL nhu+ng chu+a muo^'n mo+? vi` ddang thuye^'t phu.c la`
chu+a ca^`n va? la.i mo+? the^m mo^.t box thi` nha` no' se~ a^'m le^n -->
hao :)

Ba'c na`o co' tips gi` hay ho+n cho /me bie^'t.


Nho+` Cty DLTPHCM ga('n cho mo^.t ca'i ddie^.n ke^' ddie^.n tu+?, se~ he^'t hao ngay (ba?o ga('n ngu+o+.c dda^'y).

m k h _ s g n
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