1. Xin thu+' lo^~i cho: ... make bzImage.. (chu+' _kho^ng_ pha?i "bzImake"). Ba.n xem la.i "README" trong subdirectory /usr/src/linux cho nhu+~ng bu+o+'c na^`y ky~ ho+n. 2. Ba.n tha^.t nha^.y! To^i nghi~ ba.n dda~ tu+. ti`m cho^? cho tho^ng so^' "stacksize". The^m la`: Cho kernel configuation file (.config) tra? lo+`i: "y" ne^'u ba.n muo^'n kernel feature ddu+o.+c "built-in" hay "is not set" + comment sign "#" o+? dda^`u ha`ng ne^'u ba.n kho^ng muo^'n. Ngoa`i ra tra? lo+`i "m" ("module") cho ca'c loadable driver modules ma` ba.n kho^ng muo^'n "compile into" nha^n (nha^n se~ be' ho+n). Ca'c loadable driver modules na^`y se~ ddo+u+.c na.p (load) sau khi nha^n dda~ kho+?i ddo^.ng (qua #modprobe <module-name> <parameter>) va` theo nhu ca^`u
3. Vie^.c thi' nghie^.m wireless lan cua? ba.n dde^'n dda^u ro^`i?
Chu'c nhie^`u tha`nh co^ng!

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