Hi List!

RIP-13.6.isolinux.iso.bin (23MB)
Cha.y le^.nh:
# cdrecord  -v  -tao -data speed=4 dev=0,0,0 RIP-13.6.isolinx.iso.bin

Se~ ddu+o+.c mo^.t bootableCD co' the^? boot ta^' ca? ca'c ba?n linux 
dang ca`i tre^n HDD. Tie^.n du.ng cho ngu+o+`i hay vo.c ca`i ddu? 
thu+', hoa(.c la`m ca'i chi`a khoa' boot, khi ca^'t ddi thi` kho' ai 
trong nha` boot ddu+o+.c he^. tho^'ng Linux Tha^.p Ca^?m cu?a 
mi`nh :)

. . . va` nhi`e^`u chu+'c na(ng kha'c nu+~a. . .

m k h _ s g n
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