On Saturday 06 August 2005 04:02 am, G TT wrote:
> Hey, Larry!
> Ne^'u mo+ tha^'y VNLinux ddu+o+.c cho.n cho tru+o+`ng thi` pha?i
> khoa'i chi' trong mo^.ng dde.p, cho+' sao la.i "toa't mo^` ho^i"?
> Ne^'u vie^.c co' nhie^`u qua' thi` dda^y xung phong ddo'ng gop',
> vi` cun~ng co' y' ta.o mo^.t Linux (live) CD mie^~n phi' cho mo.i
> ca^'p tru+o+`ng o+? VN.
> Chu'c tha`nh co^ng!

Co' le~ vi` trong gia^'c mo+` the^' na`o cu~ng bi. mo+`i ddi du+. 
"Le^~ Kho+?i DDo^.ng Chu+o+ng Tri`nh Xu+? Du.ng Linux Trong Tru+o+`ng 
Ho.c Ca'c Ca^'p Tu+`ng Bu+o+'c Xoa' Mu` Tin Ho.c Tie^'n Le^n DDa'o 
Ta.o Mo^.t Tra(m Nga`n La^.p Tri`nh Su+ ". Vi` ddo.c da`i qua' ni'n 
tho+? ma` toa't mo^` ho^i cu~ng ne^n.
m k h _ s g n
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