On 8/7/05, Pham Kim Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi ca'c ba'c,
> Version 1.0.2 moi duoc upload. Chi co vai thay doi nho:
> - Dung lai to hop phim CTRL-SHIFT lam phim chuye^?n, thay cho
> ALT-SHIFT. (Cac bac de y la den khi nha? 1 trong 2 phim ra thi moi co
> tac dung.) Co the dung CTRL-SHIFT-F9 neu CTRL-SHIFT khong a(n.

Sao kho^ng du`ng ALT-SHIFT ha? ba'c?? Em du`ng slackware 10.0, nha^'n
Ctrl+Shift ma~i kho^ng ddu+o+.c, dda`nh du`ng Ctrl-Shift-F9 (ho+i
ba^'t tie^.n). Ne^'u ma` du`ng CTRL-SHIFT lie^.u co' a?nh hu+o+?ng
to+'i Ctrl-Shift-Fn (Fn = F1..F8 ) kho^ng ba'c, ca'i na`y em chu+a

sOs : say open source.

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