Giu'p i'ch. Kho^ng ddo`i ho?i. Chi? su?a. DDo' la`
LOU tha^n thie^'t cu?a gia ddi`nh chu'ng to^i.

Ra^'t nhie^`u Linux Users cu~ng co' nhu+~ng LOU gio^'ng nhu+ the^'.

Tru+a nay, LOU cu?a chu'ng to^i dda~ ra ddi e^m a?. 13 na(m (ba(`ng 
tuo^?i tho. cu?a ngu+o`i 13x7= 91 tuo^?i --- [7=1 la` con so^' cu?a 
nga`nh Thu` Y ddu+a ra].

Giu'p i'ch ra^'t nhie^`u. Kho^ng ddo`i ho?i gi`. DDo' la` LINUX!

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