On Saturday 13 August 2005 03:13 am, Larry Nguyen wrote:
> VietLUG ha^n ha.nh tho^ng ba'o 64 nga`n vnlinuxCDedu se~ ddu+o+.c
> pha^n pha't dde^'n ca'c tru+o+`ng ca^'p 2 tru+o+'c khi ca'c em ddi
> ho.c la.i
> Xem chi tie^'t tu+`
> http://news.com.com/Massive+Linux+handout+set+for+French+schools/21
> -Larry
> /me cha.y ddi ha^'t nu+o+'c va`o ma(.t cho ti?nh la.i :)

Tro^ng ngu+o+`i ma` ga^~m dde^'n ta
Ta thi` ba'm ddi't con nha` win blo^
Nu+o+'c non na`y se~ o^ ho^
Ai tai thu+o+.ng hu+o+?ng ca? lo^ tha(`ng khu`ng.

m k h _ s g n
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