On Monday 05 September 2005 08:13 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Tre^n Debian, ba'c cu+' cho.t va`o /etc/network/interfaces la` xong tuo^'t.
> Ne^'u tre^n modem ADSL co' setup ca'i DHCP server thi` ba'c chi? ca^`n
> ca^'u hi`nh nhu+ sao la` ddu+o+.c
> #cat /etc/network/interfaces
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto eth0 eth1
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> iface eth1 inet dhcp
> Ro^`i ca('m da^y RJ45 va`o eth0
> #/etc/init.d/networking restart
> la` xong.

Chi? mo+'i du`ng thu+'c thu+' nha^'t na`y, cho.t mo^.t ca'i la` xong, gu+?i 
meo mung ngay ddu+o+.c kho?i ca^`n reboot gi` he^'t :)
Kho^ng bie^'t  Windows co' la`m no'ng nhu+ va^.y ddu+o+.c cha(ng?

Ca'm o+n Nguyen Duy Tho.

> Co`n ne^'u kho^ng du`ng DHCP tre^n  ADSL router thi`
> #cat /etc/network/interfaces
> ....
> auto eth0  # cai nay chi ba^.t ca'i eth0 le^n tho^i co`n eth1 thi pha?i
> ba^.t le^n ba(`ng tay.
> iface eth0 inet static
>     address
>     netmask
>     gateway # dia chi cua ADSL router
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