Em ddang ti`m chu+o+ng tri`nh gio^'ng eWallet trong
windows. Chu+o+ng tri`nh na`y du`ng dde^? lu+u tho^ng
tin ca' nha^n nhu+ ma^.t kha^?u ca' nha^n, tho^ng tin
the? ti'n du.ng, .... va` ba?o ve^. ba(`ng ma^.t
kha^?u + ma~ ho'a\. No' co' 2 version, 1 cho pocket PC
va` 1 cho windows. Em ca^`n 1 chu+o+ng tri`nh co'
chu+'c na(ng tu+o+ng tu+. nhu+ va^.y\. Ne^'u co'
version cho Pocket PC nu+~a thi` ca`ng to^'t.

Ba'c na`o bie^'t thi` chi? em vo+'i nhe'.

Thanks a lot


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