Nha^n nga`y pha't ha`nh Sony's Playstation3 (vo+'i cell processor: 
8-core(SPUs)+PPU), gu+?i va`i no^'i ke^'t ve^` 
GPL'ed va` proprietary sa?n pha^?m lie^n quan dde^'n "cells".Vo+'i gia' 
$500-$600, kha' dda('t dde^? chi? cho+i games, nhu+ng:
1. PS3 chi? ca^`n TV screen thay vi`LCD monitor.2. Graphics processor built-in 
(of course!)3. 40GB hard drive, Internet interface, Blue-ray DVD system,4. 
Linux 2.6.16 ho^~ tro+. cell.5. Scientific & engineering works available..
thi`PS3 co' the^? se~ ddu+o+.c bie^'n tha`nh powerfull 
work/play/graphics-station cho tru+o+`ng ca'c ca^'p trong he^. 
tho^'ng gia'o du.c!
CodeSourceryWeb: www.codesourcery.comProduct: Sourcery VSIPL++â„¢Description: 
Sourcery VSIPL++ is a toolkit for developing high-performance signal- and 
applications. Sourcery VSIPL++ is an implementation of the open standard 
VSIPL++ API, providing routines for 
FFTs, FIR filters, QR decomposition, and linear algebra. Sourcery VSIPL++ 
applications run on parallel systems 
with only minimal changes to the serial version and has been designed for 
maximum performance, whether running in 
serial or in parallel.
The Cell architecture - Innovation 
Mercury Computer Systems, Inc:"http://www.mc.com/partners/software.cfm";
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