On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 10:33 PM, Matthew Vernon <matt...@debian.org> wrote:
> Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:15 AM, Matthew Vernon
>> [snip]
>>> I can work around this username problem by doing something like:
>>> (setq vm-ssh-program-switches
>>>      '("-l" "bob")
>>> )
>> A way to work around this limitation would be to use the ~/.ssh/config
>> file, which will allow you to set the login name on a per host basis.
>> Remember that ssh is quite picky regarding the permissions of .ssh and
>> the files it contains.
> I know I could use .ssh/config (though in fact I regularly log in to the
> target with two different usernames), but it still seems to me that this
> is something VM should support?

There is no argument about that, which is why I referred to it as a
work around rather than a fix. In fact, I would expect that Uday would
certainly welcome any code contribution that removed such limitations.


Tim Cross
Phone: 0428 212 217

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