Martin Geisler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello again,

> I have thought a little about how we can split the current Runtime
> class into smaller pieces. Currently contains five classes
> and the Runtime class contains 26 methods. That is too much
> information in one file. I think we can group the methods like this:

Now that we have a Bracha broadcast the Runtime class has grown a bit
again :-) I would really like to divide it into smaller parts so that it
becomes easier to hack on.

I suggested a hierarchy like this:

  * BasicRuntime

    * PassiveRuntime

    * ActiveRuntime

with two mixin-classes:

  * ComparisonToft05Mixin

  * ComparisonToft07Mixin

Was there an agreement that this would be a good idea?

I ask because I am slightly in doubt myself... for example, where do we
put the PRSS functionality? I guess prss_share can be used in the
presence of both passive and active adversaries since it only relies on
a secure broadcast which we now have in both cases. So PRSS should be a
mixin class too?

What about prss_share_random, the one where a random value is picked
without communication. Is that actively secure? What happens if a player
selects a wrong random share for himself?

Depending on where the PRSS functionality ends up, the convert_bit_share
method might or might not be suitable for a mixin class too.

So in the end I hope PassiveRuntime and ActiveRuntime will turn into a
small set of core methods and then we have a large number of methods
which can use either of them.

Martin Geisler

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