Håvard Vegge <hava...@stud.ntnu.no> writes:

> I don't know what you mean with the issue "synchronization of program
> counters", but as far as my simple GUI application goes, it just
> works. At least for now...

Great! Tomas is currently lying at the beach in Barbados[1]..., but when
he get's back I hope he will share his experiences with GUI programs.

[1]: http://fc09.ifca.ai/

> Another question related to GUI; say we have n players which all have
> some secret input. Is it possible to make a progress bar of how many
> inputs that is currently submitted? Or is this information
> unavailable?

When you do

  a, b, c = runtime.shamir_share(range(1, n+1), Zp, my_input)

you can attach callbacks to the three shares. If self.pbar is a
gtk.ProgressBar something like this should do the trick:

  self.shares = 0

  def step(value):
      self.shares += 1
      self.pbar.set_fraction(self.shares / float(n))
      return value


The idea is to make the callback update the progress bar, but otherwise
pass the value through unharmed.

Martin Geisler

VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework) brings easy and efficient
SMPC (Secure Multiparty Computation) to Python. See: http://viff.dk/.

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