I've just received a copy of Gordon Ferries 'La Preciosa' - a CD of works by
Gaspar Sanz. Here is the link to the record company:

The booklet notes are excellent and extensive. The guitar is a new one by
Martin Haycock - a distinct improvement on Gordon's old baroque guitar heard
on his previous disc for Delphian. His style of playing is undemonstrative,
very quiet and meditative - not the fiery flamenco of Lislevand, although
the recording does commence with a moment's obligatory doodling around
flamencoesque harmony. So if you are looking for your Sanz played with
restrained elegance, this disc is recommended. 

Ferries, who lives in Edinburgh (nice to have someone else in Scotland
playing early music - especially as I have retired from playing) has
received some excellent reviews from the likes of our own Monica Hall.
Classical Guitar magazine said of his previous baroque guitar disc: 'Stylish
and accessible baroque from an exponent whose star is in the ascendant'.
Check it out!


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