Robert Norris <> writes:

> Tiles are cached in directory specified in the Mapnik Rendering layer
> property (it defaults to ~/.viking-maps/MapnikRendering - so for
> different stylesheets it's wise to change this to a specific directory
> per style) - the cache is always in the OSM Slippymap layout
> (zoom/x/y.png)

I have not yet gotten mapnik set up, so this may be confused, but if
it's possible to have viking specify the named stylesheet, and have that
be part of the cache name, that would be great.  Then one could have
multiple layers.  Basically my point is that "local mapnik" is not
actually specific - it's a rendering engine that can have multiple
styles.  So one might want a number of local layers, especially if
using this as part of hacking on stylesheets.

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