> - Mailinglists are necessary, as are areas to put release tarballs. I
> think it's unhelpful of github to run projects and provide neither of
> these.

Github do offer release tarballs - automatically generated against tagged 
versions of the repository.

See https://github.com/viking-gps/viking/releases

It should be possible to guess the URL for scripted a download that follows a 
known pattern for new version releases.

> - I tend to recommend savannah.nongnu.org, which has repos, bugtrackers,
> and lists, and is run by FSF. I've been involved with quagga that has
> migrated to savannah, and it's been reasonable.

Well I've just toyed with the Github setup primarily because that's where I've 
(and lots of people) have accounts - so there is a network effect to consider.

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