Robert Norris <> writes:

> I don't think Viking is used much in UTM as a general purpose viewer -
> since there aren't many if any tile sources in UTM projections. More
> typical is probably using a GeoRef layer to view an existing map image
> (this is the way I use it in order to test it's working); although I
> suppose one could get a image that goes across letter boundaries.
> I don't know what the solution is, in working in purely UTM coordinates.
> Also the current screen conversion doesn't take into account the UTM 
> 'anomalies' around Svalbard.
> A possible way around it would be convert the center into Lat/Lon,
> workout the input screen position in Lat/Lon and then convert back
> into UTM.

If the screen projection really is UTM, then it is in some zone as
determined somehow, arguably best by the proper zone for the central
point.  This lets you convert lat/lon to UTM even if you end up in the
wrong zone.  Most conversion code lets you force the zone, as opposed to
finding out the natural zone.

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